The amount blocked cannot exceed half the character's melee skill" (Underrail wiki) This is great for defending when surrounded by enemies attacking at close range. The W&S Magnum can be grabbed in Depot A, PTC can be grabbed as soon as you reach Rail Crossing, and the new JKK Tactful Jacket can be grabbed … AS at lvl 1, PS at lvl 2, LTI at lvl 3 from Ethan, Premed at lvl 6 and RF at lvl 8. Either full Str and metal armor or full Dex and leather. Its been a long time So pointers on whats changed since sep 26 2019 would be great. Level:6. Anyone have a good Spear or sword build that can do expedition and the core game? I'd say riot armor + spear is the weakest way to play a spear. This [] is the throwing build I used to beat the game: critical demolition expert w/ throwing knives finisher using quad plated super-steel armor. - Build comes together pretty quickly. The only thing it looses in compared to sledge is damage, but you still get enough to kill most things in one shot if you are Str build. So I decided to try a melee build on my current run and went with a spear and shield.

SPARTA (Spear Juggernaut) build When I saw the iron grip perk I had the idea to do a Spartan build. Strength:11 Dexterity:6 Agility:6 Constitution:7 Perception:3 Will:3 Intelligence:5

Comment: most fights are over in 1 turn due to critical Frag grenade Mk V. The great thing about spear is it's versatility and utility. 7 5 4 10 9 3 7 at lv 20 with Juggernaut, Thick Skull and the shotgun perks is what I have in mind, as well Gun Nut is what I have in mind. Underrail - Crossbow build Dominating Tchort in first turn - Duration: 1:41. I played this game back in august 2016 and remember getting bored about halfway through the game and my first build was pretty bad, so recently i've toyed with the idea of coming back and this time finishing the game but i want a fun build to pull off. Weapon suggestions, armor suggestions, what to grind at the beginning (i plan to play classic XP mode) would be appreciated as well!

b) If you hit a melee attack with her, "50% chance to block mechanical damage (amount depending on the quality and material of the spear) until the end of the next turn. I don't mind if it's frustrating early game or whatever as long as it pays off and psi build seem like the build for me. I have been fiddling around with the character build tool and I found some trouble with what to take. All the builds ive seen always grab psi but I wanted to get some opinions/pointers on it. He would be full con+str, use iron grip in coordination with riot gear, shield arm and shield bash. I am planning to slap another point in dex so I can grab three-pointer.