People who … Pterygium is sometimes associated with a purplish rash on the mouth and skin. Occurring in one or both eyes, most pterygium start in the corner of … There is also a … Pterygium is a disorder characterized by an overgrowth of the proximal nail fold onto the nail bed. A pterygium usually doesnt cause problems or require treatment, but it can be removed if it interferes with your vision. Causes of pterygia. You may also notice a pink-coloured growth on your eye. At first, a pterygium (tur-rid-gee-um) might not have any symptoms but as it gets larger, you might notice your eye looks red, is itchy or feels that there’s something in it. When the proximal nail fold overgrows and invades the nail bed, there arises a nail disorder which is termed as pterygium of the nail. One common cause is the skin disease lichen planus, which along with pterygium of the nail, appears as a purplish rash on the skin and possibly even in the mouth. The cornea is the clear front covering of the eye. Other symptoms of a fungal nail infection include: white or yellow-brownish discoloration deformed nail shape brittle, coarse nails pits or indentations on the …

This disorder refers to the unexpected penetration of nail fold into the nail bed. By definition, pterygium forms if there is scar tissue in the nail matrix. The origin of this disorder is the matrix of the nails. Other causes of pterygium include blunt force trauma or rheumatic disease. It can appear on both fingernails and toenails.

Pterygium nail disorder is identified by scar tissue growing over the top of the nail bed, either partially bisecting the nail or completely growing over whole sections of the nail, possibly resulting in loss of the nail. A pterygium is a growth of the conjunctiva or mucous membrane that covers the white part of your eye over the cornea. Pterygium is derived from a Greek word, pterygion, which means “little wing” or “fin.” It is also referred to as wing-like.

The main cause is almost certainly lifetime sun exposure - UV light. This benign or noncancerous growth is often shaped like a wedge.