And Then We Danced ist der dritte Kinofilm von Levan Akin. And Then We Danced, despite its relevance of homosexuality and persecution, made no mark at raising the bar above the platitudes we are familiar with within the genre, which resulted in it feeling like a "copy of a copy". And Then We Danced, so light-headed as it trips through city streets and reflects its characters’ joie de vivre, is a love letter Georgia. 'And Then We Danced': Cannes Review By Lisa Nesselson 2019-05-16T10:00:00+01:00 A film brimming with doubt and dance about forbidden love in the Georgian ballet

Der darin gewählte Ansatz, die Auseinandersetzung mit der musikalischen Tradition Georgiens mit der Schilderung der harten Anforderungen einer Tanzkarriere und dem schwulen Selbsterkennen in einer ersten Liebe zu vermischen, ist kühn. And Then We Danced review – freewheeling story of secret love 4 / 5 stars 4 out of 5 stars. Swedish-born director Levan Akin's third film, 'And then We Danced,' is his first set in Georgia, the land of his ancestors, and premiered in the Directors' Fortnight in Cannes. Sie dürfte in der Biografie des Regisseurs gründen. ‘And Then We Danced’ Review: One of the Best Gay Films In This Year’s Oscar Race Comes From Sweden . Dance is both a personal expression of freedom and an oppressive enclosure in “And Then We Danced,” Swedish-born filmmaker Levan Akin’s passionate coming-of-age tale, set in contemporary Tbilisi. But when the camera swoops in to highlight Khinkali dumplings, or Tbilisi street performances, or Irakli giddy over fresh bread, the film can feel touristic.

‘And Then We Danced’ Review: One of the Best Gay Films In This Year’s Oscar Race Comes From Sweden.

Der in Schweden geborene … I am all for Sweden's known attempts at affirmative action, showcasing its gay director with immigrant background, however.