It provides a high level abstraction to simplify code and accelerates computation on the GPU using the RAPIDS cuDF library.

Use the editor to add content to your site. GitHub, Inc. is a United States-based global company that provides hosting for software development and version control using Git.It is a subsidiary of Microsoft, which acquired the company in 2018 for US$7.5 billion. Contribute! Feature requests or questions?

See also If you use Git and VS Code – Read This!. The social networking aspect of GitHub is probably its most powerful feature, allowing projects to grow more than just about any of the other features offered.

New feature suggestions or UI improvements are always welcome. GitHub is a web-based graphical interface Git or version control repository that mostly used for code. So let's do it! A couple of the repos I follow don’t do releases (a lot of the ‘awesome-’ repos) but I’d like to know when a cool entry is added to the repo. Create a branch . An extensible framework for feature-oriented software development. With your feature branch on github, navigate to the project on github. Suggest Features. Create a new feature request on github.

2.9M * businesses & organizations worldwide Businesses of all sizes use GitHub to support their development process and to securely build software. Commit. Cycle your production code faster and simplify your workflow with GitHub Packages and built-in CI/CD using GitHub Actions. There is a dedicated Feature-Based Molecular Networking workflow on GNPS that can be accessed here (you need to be logged in GNPS first).. Requirement for the FBMN workflow¶ Version Control System: The code which is stored in Git keeps changing as more code is added. FF4J, Feature flipping for Java mode Easy. GitHub released a new feature few days ago: GitHub profile readme!

Hey, Would you kind folks at GitHub be so inclined as to implement a feature to notify users when a commit is made to master?Currently I see two extremes; 1) get notified of everything 2) get notified of releases. Automate your workflows Build, test, deploy, and run CI/CD the way you want in the same place you manage code. Each user on GitHub has their own profile that acts like a resume of sorts, showing your past work and contributions to other projects via pull requests. Choose one of the themes from the carousel at the top. Edit content. On the main page, you should see a new little toolbar that shows your feature branch listed and asks if you want to create a pull request from it.

Utilize this library to secure a consistent experience when developing applications that use patterns such as beta access, rollout… The single dependency you have to specified in pom.xml is ff4j-core.Tt contains an in-memory implementation for each store. This project is powered by open source volunteers, so we have a limited amount of development resource to address all requests.

When you're working on a project, you're going to have a bunch of different features or ideas in progress at any given time – some of which are ready to go, and others which are not. Follow new publications at Google Scholar.Mark us as favorite in the Eclipse Marketplace.. Quick links to Update Site, Nightly Update Site, GitHub, Change log You may also upvote existing feature requests to increase their likelihood for being implemented.

GitHub - microsoft/FeatureManagement-Dotnet: Microsoft.FeatureManagement provides standardized APIs for enabling feature flags within applications.

The issue tracker can be used for feature requests and questions as well. This is a great way to tell more about yourself or for example advertise your blog or YouTube channel. Star or watch us on GitHub.Follow us on Twitter.Subscribe to our YouTube channel. NVTabular is a feature engineering and preprocessing library for tabular data designed to quickly and easily manipulate terabyte scale datasets used to train deep learning based recommender systems.
You like FeatureIDE or you are interested in updates? Also, many developers can add code in parallel. Enter a commit comment and click on Commit changes below the editor. So Git can be used to store content — it is mostly used to store code due to the other features it provides. Pick a theme. Press Choose a theme.