So, even if he gets out of his crate, he will only be in the kitchen, and can't get into the rest of the house. As you move the pads closer to the door, be sure to keep some of their scent on the new puppy pads. Over time, he will become more reliable. Specifically, an 8-week puppy needs to sleep around 14 to 16 hours every night. Two weeks ago I brought home an 8 week old black lab puppy. My little girl is 11 weeks old and she’s definitely been able to correlate that peeing outside = treats and praise, but it doesn’t prevent her from peeing inside regularly, including in her crate. Many dog owners recommend soaking up a bit of the pee with a puppy pad so they can smell that this is where they used the restroom before.

This week my family and I are off from work/school so we've been able to stay home with him, but we've gotten no sleep! Hide or remove power cords that your curious pup may mistake for chew toys. Pee and Poop: 7:30am: Take puppy for walk. You will want to get in the habit of keeping windows and doors closed to prevent escapes. I’ve been raising these guide/service pups since 2006 and over that time I’ve noticed something magical seems to happen when a puppy is around 4 months old. I wake up and will hear her rustling about around 3 AM most nights and take her out immediately, but come back in to find she’d already done the deed moments before. An 8-week-old puppy is very young to begin the potty-training process. I am also using crate training, but am not having the best luck during the day. This time is definitely defined by play. Take to potty spot: Pee Only: 7:15am: Feed puppy (drinks water). Here’s a a hypothetical example of a 8-10 week old puppy potty schedule: Puppy Potty Schedule. Molly sleeps in her crate every night with no problems. As a guide dog puppy raiser we bring home our puppies at around 7-8 weeks old. There is only 1 door into our kitchen, and we have a gate there. After eating take to potty spot. It’s around that time that everything clicks for a puppy. 10:00am: Puppy up from nap. We just got an 8-week-old puppy Boxer on Saturday, so today marks the first week with him. Your puppy already knows how to do all of the important stuff: eat, drink, poop, sleep and, of course, play. TIME: DESCRIPTION: PEE/POOP: 7:00am: Puppy wake up. It may seem like your new puppy is sleeping all the time and that may be true. Designate one spot as the potty spot. When you take your puppy outside, take him here first, before playtime or anything else. Your puppy used to be taken from his mom a little bit early 7-8 weeks is quality) but his peeing seems quite natural.

Over the course of a few days, you’ll want to move the puppy pad closer to the door. Pee’s before and after walk: Pee (2) 8-10am: Puppy Sleep…YAY! On average, 8 week old puppies sleep 20 hours a day including naps throughout the day and 14-16 hours at night. So far, housebreaking has been going pretty well (she's begun to use the bell to signal when she needs to go outside).

To keep her and your house safe, practice a little puppy proofing. You should organize for anybody to return in at lunchtime unless he is at least a 12 months ancient (it is a run of the mill existence for a puppy being dwelling alone all day). At this point, you are basically preventing your pet from having accidents rather than expecting him to ask to go out on his own.