This week, we learnt about William the Conqueror and the Battle of Hastings in 1066. This term in history, we are learning about the Tower of London. In what area of London was the Tower of London built? We wrote letters from William the Conqueror to his builders, instructing them to build him the fortress. ‘many shires whose labour was due to London were hard pressed because of the wall that they built around the Tower’. Built in 1078 on the north bank of the River Thames, the structure offered its own unique flavor — prisoner torture. The White Tower, which gives the entire castle its name, was built by William the Conqueror in 1078 and was a resented symbol of oppression, inflicted upon London by the new ruling elite.

They were all a recipe for terrible mental health, but The Tower of London was a special kind of fortress. Anne was arrested on 2 May 1536 and taken by barge to the Tower of London, passing under the most notorious of all the Tower's entrances, Traitors Gate. When William the Conqueror built a mighty stone tower at the centre of his London fortress in the 1070s, defeated Londoners must have looked on in awe. Now nearly 1000 years later, the Tower still has the capacity to fascinate and horrify. Initial construction of the “White Tower,” the oldest structure in the Tower of London complex, started in 1078 and was completed in 1100, during the rule of King William II.It was designed and built by Gundulf of Rochester, a Norman bishop who has been credited with overseeing the construction of a number of important sites in English history, including the Priory and Cathedral Church in his home city.The White Tower was made … English criminals knew being sent to the Tower of London meant they were in for a brutal imprisonment. The building was started in 1078 for William the Conqueror and extended during the 12th and 13th centuries, next to the old Roman city’s east wall. The Tower had other buildings alongside and a wall was built around it, by 1100 it was complete (pictured) Henry VIII, notoriously prone to suspicion, and now besotted with one of Anne’s own ladies-in-waiting, Jane Seymour, ignored the Queen’s protestations of innocence. The first part of the Tower was built soon after, in 1078.