Situated on 6200 hectares in the beautiful Hardap Region and only 100 kilometres south of Windhoek, Lake Oanob Resort is a unique Resort featuring spacious luxury chalets, cosy rooms and unique campsites.

Long distance coaches on their way between Windhoek and South Africa pass through Rehoboth.

Located 90 kilometres south of the Namibian capital Windhoek, Rehoboth lies on a high elevation plateau with several natural hot-water springs. If you'd prefer to drive, it's possible to reach Rehoboth by car.

Rehoboth is situated on the railway line Windhoek—Keetmanshoop.

Top 10 Namibia Cities By Population . See the chart which displays detailed distance from Windhoek to Rehoboth. It takes 1 hours, 49 minutes to travel from Rehoboth to Windhoek.Approximate driving distance between Rehoboth and Windhoek is 91 kms or 56.5 miles or 49.1 nautical miles .Travel time refers to the time taken if the distance is covered by a car.

Or maybe you'd like to see a more detailed driving directions map? If you're planning a road trip, you might be interested in seeing the total driving distance from Windhoek, Namibia to Rehoboth, Namibia.

By car .

Windhoek is located 7,779.51 mi (12,519.91 km) south of the North Pole.

This snapshot shows 17 of the most populated places that are up to 1000 miles in distance from Windhoek, Namibia ordered by furthest away to nearest based on the Geo co-ordinates of -22.57, 17.0836 . If you'd like, you can also see a map of the trip so that you can get a better look at the road. Distance information is flight distance as a line.

Namibia Distances ; … Hardap (Namibia) Distance Chart (Distance Table): For your quick reference, below is a Distance Chart or Distance Table of distances between some of the major cities in Hardap (Namibia).

Your ending point Namibia, Rehoboth is located at (-23.3167, 17.0833) Total distance from Windhoek to Rehoboth is 83.03 kms. Ombika Street Kleine Kuppe Windhoek Namibia 06,45,49 and 78 Windhoek (77.1 km distance from city Rehoboth) Offering city views, Wild Olive Apartments is an accommodation situated in Windhoek, 6 km from Maerua Mall and 6 km from Auas Valley Mall Windhoek.

The B1 which crosses Namibia from North to South passes through Rehoboth.

Your starting point Namibia, Windhoek is located at (-22.57, 17.0836). Windhoek is 1,559.16 mi (2,509.22 km) south of the equator, so it is located in the southern hemisphere. Need more details on the distances between these two locations?