(14 of 44 words, 3 definitions, 2 usage examples, pronunciations) en .wiktionary .org … cese (dī′ə-sĭs, -sēs′, -sēz′) n. The district or churches under the jurisdiction of a bishop; a bishopric. A diocese is the area looked after by the a bishop in some churches. diocesan | diocesans [plural] Pertaining to a diocese. Archdiocese definition: An archdiocese is the area over which an archbishop has control . Vicar-general definition, a priest deputized by a bishop to assist him in the administration of a diocese. It is a good place to begin our reflection on what the General Instruction of the Roman Missal (GIRM) calls the ‘Preparation of the Gifts’. Here you can not only inflect Diözese but also all German nouns.

| The bishop of a diocese. bishop definition: The definition of a bishop is a senior member of the Christian clergy that is often in charge of a diocese and able to oversee priests, or a chess piece. [Middle English diocise, from Old French, from Late Latin diocēsis, from Latin dioecēsis, jurisdiction, from Greek dioikēsis, administration, from dioikein, to keep house, administer : dia-, intensive pref.

From Wiktionary. Singular diocese. The declension of the noun Diözese is in singular genitive Diözese and in the plural nominative Diözesen. This short entry needs someone to make it better.
The Diocese of Burlington developed the Policies on Ethics and Integrity in Ministry to serve as the cornerstone of our efforts to protect the vulnerable individuals entrusted to our care.

| Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples The voice of Bistum is neutral and the article "das". diocese. In the plural is an umlaut. ; see dia- … Declension and Plural of Bistum.
1. an area that a bishop (= a senior Christian priest) is in charge of. Declension and Plural of Diözese. The question ‘What’s in a name?’ asked by Juliet in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet has taken on a life of its own beyond the historical context of the play.We often hear people ask this question in all sorts of situations. archbishopric. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Synonyms and related words +-Church councils and districts.

Plural dioceses.

diocese: plural: dioceses: DEFINITIONS 1. The noun Diözese is declined with the declension endings -/n. archdiocese. The declension of the noun Bistum is in singular genitive Bistums and in the plural nominative Bistümer.The noun Bistum is declined with the declension endings s/ü-er. It contains several parishes.

The word diocese (/ ˈ d aɪ ə s ɪ s,-s iː s,-s iː z /) is derived from the Greek term dioikesis (διοίκησις) meaning "administration".Today, when used in an ecclesiastical sense, it refers to the ecclesiastical district under the jurisdiction of a bishop. The voice of Diözese is feminine and the article "die". See more. Sometimes it is also called bishopric | An inhabitant of a diocese. Pronunciation IPA: /ˈdaɪ.ə.sɪs/ Noun .