After him loads and loads of Sci-fi writers would take up this theme because, well, because time travel is just plain awesome. What is the function of the underground machines? He is in effect linking individualized (representations of) experience to a cultural tradition of journeying and its narrative construction. In general, time travel stories focus on the consequences of traveling into the past or the future. With Stephen Adami, Krista Ales, Valerie Black, Ryan Blackburn. A fictional documentary about the creation of the worlds first time machine, the men who created it, and the unintended ramifications it has on world events. The concept of time travel by mechanical means was popularized in H. G. Wells' 1895 story, The Time Machine. The term "time machine" itself was coined by H. G. Wells, and continues to be used for any time travelling device. Wells may have been one of the first to write about time travel, but he was far from the last. However, as the story flashes to scenes where Page is time traveling, Page alters history and interviewees’ story. At first, the interviewees all talk about the first person to time travel–Richard Page, played by Ben Everett. Time travel is a concept that has most likely existed ever since man has realized his own mistakes and wished he could change them. One of the most popular topics in the history of science-fiction has been the idea of time travel. In literature and cinema, this topic has been exploited uncountable times. The story features the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come, who is magically able to immerse the hapless Scrooge in the dire consequences of his own ungenerous actions. Records of foreign travel appeared soon after the invention of writing, and fragmentary travel accounts appeared in both Mesopotamia and Egypt in ancient times. Time travel has been a plot device in fiction since the 19th century. The last hour had more action than the beginning, but was still slow. Travelling backwards in time has never been verified, presents many theoretical problems, and may be an impossibility. The Time Tunnel is an American color science-fiction TV series, written around a theme of time travel adventure and starring James Darren and Robert Colbert.The show was inspired by the 1964 movie The Time Travelers (AIP/Dobil), and was creator-producer Irwin Allen's third science-fiction television series, released by 20th Century Fox Television and broadcast on ABC. Directed by Gisella Bustillos. The Time Machine is an 1895 book written by H. G. Wells, and one of the first science fiction novels to demonstrate the concept of a time machine. The narrator is Weena, and loves the Time Traveller; The narrator does not believe the Time Traveller; The narrator believes the Time Traveller; 17. With Ted Chiang, Satyanarayana Dasa, Erik D. Demaine, ED Farhi. The Time Traveler (TT) The Time Traveler is the protagonist of the story, and he takes over the narration from Chapter III until Chapter XII.