The Ebionites did not survive for the simple reason that they were persecuted out of existence by the Catholic Church.

Ebionites (or Ebioneans) denied Jesus’ divinity and believed that Jesus was the Son of God only by virtue of His being “adopted” by God; according to Ebionism, Jesus was a descendant of David and a gifted man, but nothing more.

(Dr. James Tabor; Nazarenes and Ebionites – An Introduction, 1998) #7: ORIGIN OF EBIONITES WHO SPLIT FROM THE NAZARENES “Next comes Ebion, the founder of the Ebionites. In accordance with the first hundred years of Christian belief and with the oldest manuscripts of the Bible, Jesus was born in a normal way like the rest of us, to his parents, Joseph and Mary, from the line of David as prophesized (Matt. When this oppression was lifted for any reason (for example, when an area changed from Christian to Muslim rule), they sometimes came out of hiding and resumed an open existence. The Quran, with its uncompromising monotheism, its insistence on humanity of Jesus, and rejection of the trinity closely echoed the Ebionites beliefs, and was in complete harmony with what they new about God and Jesus [The only exception is the virgin birth which the Quran confirms and the Ebionites were said -by their opponents -to reject] . I am a Muslim but do not accept the doctrine of the literal perpetual virginity of Mariam, though in spirit I believe she was eternally pure. The earliest followers of Jesus were known as Nazarenes, and perhaps later, Ebionites, and form an important part of the picture of Palestinian Jewish groups in late 2nd Temple times.

At the website, we read their conclusion on the fate of the "Essenes" aka Ebionites: They believe the Essenes of whom Josephus spoke most closely aligns with their views, and they believe these were the true Ebionites. It is reported in their enemies writings that the Ebionites did reject the virgin birth. That is probably because they go back to James, the biological half brother of Jesus. Nazarenes and Ebionites Josephus reports four main sects or schools of Judaism: Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes, and Zealots. Fate of Ebionites versus Essenes. He held doctrines like those of the Nazarenes…being from their sect, although what he taught and proclaimed differed from what they did…” (Epiphanius; Panarion 30:1:1) “The very first Christians, the Ebionites 7, Nazorenes, Gnostic Christians and others, were all adoptionists. Some modern followers of Ebionite doctrine call themselves Essenes.