also directional combos. Tales of Berseria combat just seems boring. Just remember that this is an rpg first and foremost; you're not going to find really satisfying fighting game style combat … Tales of Graces - Is kind of like Tales of Berseria's combat system where you mash buttons and hit weaknesses, but the game has less mechanics on top and a much better combat flow. The combat doesnt feel as free as berseria. Honestly I really like every other aspect of the game. Berseria's combat system is fun as long as I don't play velvet but I kinda wish they didn't add all of the extra complexity and the battlefields feels like a mess at times. IMO Tales of Xillia struck a nice middle ground. Tales games are generally pretty spam heavy even though they pose as fighting games. Berseria has a plethora of flashy moves you can do at pretty much any time, but it makes the combat feel shallow and unengaging (to me). For me, Berseria is at the bottom. I don't understand what stuff I should be putting on buttons in what order. But whenever I try to get back into the game I get so bored with the mind numbing combat. Later I got tales of berseria without realizing that it was a prequel and only realizing later. This made me sad when I started playing Berseria. I am 6 hours in and all I have been doing is button mashing. I loved the game and took around 70+ beating it. Seems working. I like the story, characters and stylistic graphics. After a quick escape things go a little south for Velvet and her new crew...but we manage to make it through unscathed. 2 years ago. I just put a variety of moves on there and mash buttons. This is the only tales game that made me use Auto-battle more often because again combat is just bad. For the button-masher-gamers this game has one of the best combat flows of all games. At one point it made me do 3 moves in order to "exploit a weakness". It's not because Female is the prog but the side character and story really makes you feel that way. I loved the combat system way more in Symphonia compared to Berseria. ... help Reddit App Reddit coins Reddit premium Reddit gifts. I don't know an "artes" is or a "mystic art".

I much preferred the older style which felt more like a fighting game. ... help Reddit App Reddit coins Reddit premium Reddit gifts. Battle system is the worst in tales series and the story feel more towards females audion's than male.