The Rule of Benedict was uppermost until with the coming of the mendicant tradition in the eleventh century, after which, in the words of the late Tarsisius van Bavel O.S.A. In length the Rule of Benedict (c. 530-560 AD) differs greatly from the Rule of Augustine (c. 397 AD). St. Caesarius, Archbishop of Arles, the great organizer of religious life in that section chose a some of the most interesting articles of his rule for monks from St. Augustine, and in his rule for nuns quoted at length from Letter 211. The rule exhorts all to live in harmony, being of one heart and mind on the way to God. As Augustine says, it should be used as a mirror in which community members may perceive in what ways they have neglected their calling to seek God together in mutual love. Saint Augustine wrote this document to provide a guide for his community of priests.

His life and the Rule he formulated have had enduring influence on the Christian ideal of the religious life. The Rule of St. Augustine Chapter I Purpose and Basis of Common Life Before all else, dear brothers, love God and then your neighbor, because these are the chief commandments given to us. The Rule of St. Augustine is a religious rule developed by Saint Augustine (354–430), which came into use on a wide scale from the twelfth century onwards, and continues to be employed today by a large number of orders, including the Dominicans, Servites, Mercederians, Norbertines, and Augustinians. • Names the five documents sometimes identified as the Rule of Augustine, quickly narrows the field to two contenders, settles on Letter 211.

St. Augustine; painting from the Dominican House of Studies Chapel, Washington, DC (photograph by Fr. It is remarkably simple, reasonable and evangelical. The oldest monastic Rule in the West A giant of the faith, St. Augustine is well known as "the restless searcher for truth."

The oldest monastic Rule in the West A giant of the faith, St. Augustine is well known as "the restless searcher for truth."

This reform movement spread rapidly throughout Latin Europe and brought about the foundation of the regular chapters so numerous and prosperous during the Middle Ages. The full text of the Rule of St Augustine. The oldest monastic Rule in the West A giant of the faith, St. Augustine is well known as "the restless searcher for truth." 1. 2006. Also deals with Augustine s relation to monasticism Catholic Encyclopedia. The Rule and the ever-developing book of constitutions have together been the written foundation of the Dominican Order for 750 years.

The Rule of St. Francis of Assisi was composed more than 800 years later. REGULA SANCTI AUGUSTINI 1. This is a new, modern English translation of the Rule from the original critical Latin text.

The Rule of St. Augustine This is the previously existing rule which Dominic chose to provide a spiritual "bill of rights" for his newly-formed community. Saint Augustine was born on November 13th 354 in Thagaste, Numidia (now Souk Ahares, Algeria). He died on August 28th 430 in Hippo Regius, Numidia (now Annaba, Algeria). He was a Latin speaking philosopher and theologian. 2. His life and the Rule he formulated have had enduring influence on the Christian ideal of the religious life.