Always listen to the Language of Light through your heart and you will know which is authentic - it should leave you feeling blissful, relaxed, peaceful, energised or uplifted, and is pure and does not come from ego. Pleiadian Symbol Code Activation. Go BEYOND where they tell you that you should not go, and you will begin to see what you did not see before. Portal of Light OPENED via Visual Imagery: A lot of us like to communicate through visual imagery as it is very quick to convey important information. We are able to access them in multiple dimensions and octaves through light language and other galactic modalities. Was wondering what all the dots meant, now I know. by Gregg Prescott, M.S. All humans are channels, it is just a matter of shifting your vibrational resonance to tune into […] Discovering the Language of Light also reconnected me with my Beloved Pleiadian Twin Flame Lawrence and we will share more about this in our forthcoming book. The Melchizedek and Pleiadian Light Network. your own Pins on Pinterest Allow your mind and hearts to rest on each image below and inhale / breathe deeply as you do so. This is a follow-along page of "Pleiadian Symbol Code Activation" class.Please click here to take the class.. Top Row: #202 Pleiadian Healing Crown, #307 The Pleiadians, #123 Pleiadian Light Matrix Sacred Life Foundation. In fact, Saren is a language used not just by Pleiadians in service to the League of Light, but by others as well. Pleiadians tend to be very slim, tall and look very Nordic with light hair and light skin. Go BEYOND where they tell you that you should not go, and you will begin to see what you did not see before. Pleiadians may exist in several dimensions including 3D through to 9D. In conclusion, I would also like to say that it is actually more fluid and faster for me to write and draw these light languages and symbols than it is to write my primary language of English. it is an integrated language, sometimes referred to as the universal language of light… The Navajo call the Pleiadian star cluster the “Sparkling Suns,” and … Discovering the Language of Light also reconnected me with my Beloved Pleiadian Twin Flame Lawrence and we will share more about this in our forthcoming book.

Dec 13, 2016 - This Pin was discovered by Teri Ashabraner. ideographic language can convey a tremendously complex concept in a single character. The following is a universal Pleiadian symbol which conveys telepathically to the beholder… the notions of: PEACE, HONOR, & ETERNITY… It was used in the times of ATLANTIS & LEMURIA TOO. Venus 27, Scorpio in the 2nd house: You are really attuned to 2012. This way important information can touch the heart very quickly! It is a non-linear, multi-layered form of communication that is merely a unique form of channeling. Take a deeper dive into integration each month with The Pleiadian Collective. I tell the kids (well, now the grandkids) that Santa might be an alien because it looks like alien writing. sanskrit is derived from senzar and so is the clay sumerian tablets! Pleiadian Language, Have been seeing these symbols again and again lately, someone is trying to give me a message?