Young Armstrong got his first flight experience with his father on the board of Ford Trimotor. Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon, passed away this weekend at age 82. With more than half a billion people watching on television, he climbs down the ladder and proclaims: "That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind." Neil Armstrong's words to me, in a 1988 interview, came as a real surprise.

At 10:56 p.m. EDT Neil Armstrong is ready to plant the first human foot on another world.

Many have asked if Armstrong took with him the secrets of what really happened during the famed 1969 Lunar Landing. We needed protection. 3. However, According to Neil Armstrong himself, his father did not have a particular interest in flights. Today Neil Armstrong wrote in to say, here are the reasons: It was really, really hot on the moon, 200 degrees Fahrenheit. To his children, though, he remained their dad. Now’s not the time to be cutting customer experience funding. Over the years, I have gotten to know a number of astronauts- and very close family members and friends of astronauts. The airplane was also known with the name “Tin Goose”.

Armstrong was wary of potential chroniclers of his life, due to negative experiences at the hands of some journalists and other unscrupulous people in the heady immediate post-Apollo XI period, so steered clear of potential interviewers or biographers until James Hansen was able to persuade him to be interviewed extensively for this biography in 2005. When Neil Armstrong was the first astronaut to walk on the moon 50 years ago this summer, he became an overnight hero to the world. Well, yes- and no.

Experience All Customer Journey Customer Loyalty Customer Strategy Omnichannel Personalization Voice of Customer It seems to me that the father and the son shared the love for flights equally.