Yoot Saito has a light hearted game called "Air Porter" where players handle and sort airplane luggage. Crimson Shroud harks back to the days where video games were operated with quarters and playing an RPG required you to gather 2 or 3 of your Crimson Shroud harks back to the days where video games were operated with quarters and playing an RPG required you to gather 2 or 3 of your buddies for a night of dice-rolling and imagination. The eShop for Nintendo 3DS gets an infusion of first-party goodness ... and Yasumi Matsuno's Crimson Shroud. Crimson Shroud represents a very promising sign for the future of the Nintedo eShop. How I play, Crimson Shroud is far from the pencil role and pen It lacks the flexibility, wealth and pace of games like Baldur’s Gate, Fallout or the recent Legends of Grimrock.

This inspired creation amounts to a short-but-fulfilling RPG experience with a great battle system that really rewards you for planning ahead. For Nintendo 3DS on the 3DS, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "What if...Digital exclusives and DLC content to get before the eshop shuts down". ... Crimson Shroud wouldn't have been made if it was required to have a physical release as well. It is directed by Yasumi Matsuno and developed by Level5. The great thing about 3DS and Vita is that you got physical releases of games like this. Crimson Shroud (3DS) – as old as old school gets. Most are pick up and play types, but there are lots of exceptions.

Crimson Shroud takes the form of a mini-Dungeons & Dragons campaign, right down to the inanimate game pieces and the various-sided dice you have to virtually “roll” in order to attack enemies. [3DS] Liberation Maiden [3DS… "Crimson Shroud" follows chasers, a dangerous job in a world with magic. Unfortunately GUILD02 never got a physical release in Japan either

OP, since you like physical versions of games, you could look for a copy of GUILD01 which is a retail collection of those small Level-5 games that were released in the west as eShop only titles. GUILD01 has Liberation Maiden, Weapon Shop de Omasse, Aeroporter and Crimson Shroud. Developed by Level-5 and acclaimed RPG director Yasumi Matsuno, Crimson Shroud is a very good digital rendition of the D&D table top genre. Crimson Shroud is a 2012 Adventure Game influenced by tabletop role-playing games, with the simulated usage of dice to determine the strength or weakness of certain effects. Even 3DS suffers from this problem to some extent. Considering its stablemates are a baggage handling simulator and a game about the first female president flying … We’ve already been treated to Nintendo eShop releases of Aero Porter and Liberation Maiden from LEVEL-5’s Guild01, yet it is the latest arrival from the collaborative compilation that proves to be the most noteworthy.. This is a true RPG, complete with turn based battles, a diverse cast of characters, monsters galore, but […] Originally packaged in the Guild01 set in Japan, it was later released as a standalone Nintendo 3DS eShop title in US and Europe. If they're digital only, then they will just get completely lost in the sea of digital shovelware. Code of Princess [3DS] Crashmo [3DS] Crimson Shroud [3DS] Disney Epic Mickey: Power of Illusion [3DS] Freakyforms Deluxe: Your Creations, Alive! Lot of value for your money. And yet, Matsuno has achieved a beautiful portrait of the physical experience of playing the … I'm talking Pushmo and Crashmo (which cost about 50 SEK here in Sweden right now, that's about 5 pounds I would think) and Crimson Shroud and yeah, the list goes on. These are amazing games, with a lot of play time, that cost about 5 - 15 pounds.