True sea salt comes from a process that involves evaporating shallow … But when you think about where doing sea salt come from, it really doesnt matter much.

Natural sea salt comes from evaporated seawater and is harvested all over the world. Specifically, it is harvested in the Menai Strait. It can be sea water, and as the name suggests, that is where the salt comes from.

Types and Usages of Celtic Salt. When it is all said and done, sea salt comes from Himalayan salt pours from glaciers. One would think that the name suggests that it comes from evaporated seawater and straight to our grocery store. There are two sources. Halon Mon's gourmet salt comes from the waters of the Atlantic around the Isle of Anglesey.

Natural Celtic salt is light grey in color, which comes from the sea minerals and clay found in the salt flats.

Raw sea salt is … The salts we eat are all derived from seawater, but fine differences, created during harvest and processing, distinguish three popular types: sea salt, kosher salt and table salt.

In the Iron Age, people heated clay vessels to reduce the salty water.

San Francisco Bay is especially good for sea salt harvest because it’s flat, temperate, and windy. This strait separates the island from the Welsh mainland. This constant influx of water from two sources provides an unusually high level of nutrients and minerals—contributing to its distinctive flavor.

(Sea salt is 3.5 percent saline; the bay is 2.5 percent.) The sea supplies the salt, of course, but its defining characteristics come from the unique combination of salt and fresh water flowing into the estuary from both sides. Your body will take what it needs and get rid of the rest, as long as you are drinking enough water.

They don’t.

An estimated 225 millions tons of dissolved solids a large part of which is mineral salt is discharged into seas by streams and rivers from the United States alone. The local source is what is used to make our salt. Sources of salt in the ocean. Here’s how it works: Saltwater comes in at Alameda Creek.

Now, lets take a closer look at the Salt found in the United States. Depending on where they come from, commercial brands of sea salt usually contain a variety of trace minerals that may alter the taste and color of the product. The spring tides come in over the seagrass and, when the water retreats, leave salt to crystallize. In other words, about 35 of 1,000 (3.5%) of the weight of seawater comes from the dissolved salts; in a cubic mile of seawater the weight of the salt, as sodium chloride, would be about 120 million tons. Great Salt Lake also yields salt products other than common salt.

By the way, the concentration of salt in seawater is about 35 parts per thousand. The table salt used in Utah comes from salt-processing facilities in New York, Ohio, Kansas, Louisiana, Texas, or California. Celtic sea salt provides these minerals in the correct proportion. Why the oceans and not rivers and streams especially since they carry the dissolved salts. If you’re thinking that perhaps the Food and Drug Administration would be on top of making sure that all sea salt comes from the sea, you’re wrong. Where Does Halon Mon Sea Salt Come From? However, this alone does not explain why the seas are salty. The salt industry produces potassium sulfate, a commercial fertilizer derived from potassium and magnesium salts.

One is mined locally in US, and the other is found overseas.