skylanders academy: spyro's family Action. He is ruthless, maniacal, devious and couldn't care less about his friends; a real jerk who enjoys lying and manipulating those he once loved and cared. Dark Spyro, as his name suggests, is the pure evil counterpart of Spyro; the complete opposite of the hero's goodness and heroism. While Spyro fights for the Skylands, Dark Spyro seeks to help take over it with Strykore. The first season of twelve episodes debuted on Netflix on the 28th of October 2016 as part of a two season deal. Unser Ziel ist es, alle Infos über die 2 Spiele-Reihen zusammenzustellen und jeder kann mitarbeiten. In his series debut, he was very egotistical, always thinking of himself and filled with overconfidence. Das Skylanders Wiki ist ein Wiki rund um die Skylanders- und Spyro-Reihe. Staffel 1 Die Action-Comedy-Serie basierend auf der beliebten Skylanders-Videospielreihe zeigt, wie die Helden mit dem immer … At one point, he thought about naming his potential Skylander team \"Team Spyro\" or just \"Spyro\". Spyro, Stealth Elf and Eruptor at a young age. Add a photo to this gallery. This overbearing behavior was the result of Master Eon praising Spyro's talents as he grew, leading Spyro to believe that everything would always come easy for him. Spyro is a cocky and impulsive young dragon who is eager to show off his skills and jump into danger without thinking ahead. after defeating strykore spyro meets the original imaginator who knows what happened to his parents and where they are #dragons #skylanders #spyro. Spyro's title card in the Skylanders Academy opening. Send to Friend. Spyro using his firebreath at the Skylander Games. the story of aron 261 2 0. by videogameking. Mit ihrer einzigartigen Mischung von Persönlichkeiten und auf ihren unterschiedlichen Elementen beruhenden Superkräften werden Spyro und die anderen Skylander dazu berufen, ihr Ego zurückzustellen und mit vereinten Kräften die Harmonie des Landes zu wahren. by videogameking Follow. Die animierte Fernsehserie "Skylanders Academy" von Activision Blizzard Studios begleitet Spyro, Eruptor, Stealth Elf, Jet-Vac, Pop Fizz und ihr Team junger Kriegerinnen und Krieger bei ihren Abenteuern im riesigen Skylands-Universum, das sie vor Bösewichten beschützen. 1. Share . My Way or the Sky Way. Die Skylander-Neulinge Spyro, Stealth Elf und Eruptor müssen lernen, wie sie die Skylands vor dem bösen Genie Kaos und den gefährlichen Doom Raiders verteidigen können. Spyro wins!" Baby Spyro "Oh yeah! Spyro takes a selfie of his backside as Flashwing watches happily.

Share via Email Report Story Send. Spyro's air message "Hey, your words, not mine." Skylander, vereinigt euch! Add a photo to this gallery . Skylanders Academy is an animated television series based on the Skylanders franchise. Share.