"Geh! Look at his brother, his brother was set on killing him and it was obvious but Shinra was still willing to save him to be a family again . He wouldn’t mind at all, a relationship to him is more than sex and having a good time Iris was close by and looking a little worse for wear. The Severed Universe ability requires freezing the surrounding area to such a low temperature that it reduces the heat that causes the Universe’s natural expansion. The story of Hibana and Iris's youth as orphans, as well as Hibana's rise to prominence, is revealed. Shinra being the person he is wouldn’t mind at all that you’re Asexual . As Shinra talks to Arthur about their reunion, Shō immediately approaches and attacks Shinra, before telling him that he must come back with his group. The story of Hibana and Iris's youth as orphans, as well as Hibana's rise to prominence, is revealed.

This is the love story about Shinra and Hibana. Shinra hisses, trying to … Shinra isn't very good at concealing his emotions (grin and all), but Hibana appreciates the effort from her little idiot. Shinra rolls onto his back expecting a few more hours of sleep but his hand catches something soft. Quick Summary. Episode 7 (Dub) The Investigation of the 1st Commences. Princess Hibana/Shinra Kusakabe; Princess Hibana; Shinra Kusakabe; Fluff; First Kiss; Plotless; Age Difference; How old is hibana anyways; shinra is technically underage but w/e; Summary. Shinra entered the main building and quickly came face to face with Princess Hibana. Her firefighter jacket is custom trimmed with fur and fits closely to her body, and the white dress she wears underneath is more suitable for a cocktail party than a battleground. Jan 21, 2020 The Shinra x Hibana … At this point, Shinra demonstrates his true anime hero credentials by pulling a page straight from Dragon Ball's Goku's playbook and turning an enemy into an ally. Hibana’s Sakura petals eventually converge around Shinra in a glowing pink prison which, again, looks terrific in animated form. Prev; Next; Recent Journal Entries. In contrast to Shinra and the rest of Company 8’s relatively simple character designs, Princess Hibana looks like she just walked off a Paris runway. He then orders his men to capture Shinra and kill the others. But will she rescue the other “gravel?” Or just take Shinra home? 2 days ago. The fanfiction will not be the same with the story timeline of the manga.
Maki is upset that she's left without a Valentine (again) on Valentine's Day.

The woman barely dodges them and she activates her powers, however, it doesn’t seems to be working on Aiko at all as she proceed to swing a downward slash on Hibana. Seemingly by sheer willpower alone, he busts free of his constricting prison to knock Hibana unconscious. Using it in conjunction with his katana, Sho is capable of defeating Shinra, Arthur Boyle, and Hibana with a single strike each.

I couldn't find any Shinra X Hibana fanfics, so I just decided to make one. Shinra whispers to himself. Voting has ended . As Arthur pulls out his sword, Shō slashes him, followed by subduing Hibana.