horizontal ridges on the index fingernail represent the chest area, high blood pressure can be seen in the left index fingernail. Horizontal ridges Deep horizontal ridges, called Beau’s lines, are often symptoms of a serious condition. These ridges are often deep, and multiple lines may appear across the nail. Other infections like heart valve infections and viral warts can also change the way your nail looks, including horizontal ridges…

If you discover horizontal ridges on your fingernails, consider any recent trauma as the cause. A single ridge in the middle of the nail, for instance, could be a sign of a nutrient deficiency like protein or folic acid.

Nails can sustain horizontal dents or ridges from physical trauma to the nail bed. Bacterial infections have been known to cause horizontal ridges in nails. Horizontal ridges on nails may also indicate a Thiamine, vitamin B1 deficiency. Thiamine plays an important role in maintaining a healthy nervous system and improving the cardiovascular functioning of the body. In rare cases, ridges in fingernails could be a sign of anemia, rheumatoid arthritis, or cardiovascular problems, according to research in the Indian Dermatology Online Journal.

Yeast or other fungal infections can lead to nail issues and one of those symptoms can be horizontal ridges. They may actually stop nail growth until the underlying condition is treated. Beau’s lines are nail ridges that run horizontally across the fingernail. These grooves are typically temporary and will grow out with the nail.