Deep in the mountains of Central Idaho lies one of the darkest nighttime spots in the US. For more information about other Dark Sky Reserves, go to Under IDA guidelines, Gold-tier status is generally reserved for the darkest skies, with only a small amount of light pollution tolerated. The International Dark-Sky Association (IDA) designated the Central Idaho Dark Sky Reserve in December 2017, it is only the twelfth Dark Sky Reserve worldwide. Photograph: George Doyle.

The First International Dark Sky Reserve in the U.S. The whole of the National Park together with neighbouring Kielder Water & Forest Park makes up Northumberland Dark Sky Park, nearly 1,500 square kilometres of dark, starry skies. Castlecove to Kells – South Kerry’s Gold Tier Dark Sky Reserve.

Night skies at Canyonlands are so pristine that the International Dark Sky Association designated Canyonlands as a Gold-Tier International Dark Sky Park in 2015. The Aoraki Mackenzie International Dark Sky Reserve is the world’s largest such reserve (4367 square km), the first in the southern hemisphere and the first to be declared with gold tier status, the highest that can be accorded, and its formation is a recognition of the pristine skies of the Mackenzie which are essentially completely free of light pollution.

Death Valley National Park has a gold tier standing with the International Dark Sky Association.

Canyonlands is one of many parks in southern Utah with the International Dark Sky Park designation.

by Kerry Wild & Wonderful | Blog. IDA awarded the area Gold Tier status- their highest ranking for night sky quality. By contrast, city dwellers may see fewer than 500 stars at night. Status: International Dark Sky Park (Gold tier) awarded in 2013. “This region deserves to be designated a dark sky reserve. The IDA also granted the Central Idaho Dark Sky Reserve “Gold Tier” status, the highest level of a semi-objective system used by IDA to rank the quality of the night sky. Being recognised as a Gold Tier International Dark Sky Reserve will serve to promote and protect this valuable resource. It's the country's first gold-tier Dark Sky reserve, and it's a fascinating place to stare at the stars.

The Horsehead Nebula, as observed from the Kerry International Dark-Sky Reserve, one of only three dark-sky reserves in the world.