John Coolidge Adams is an American composer.He was born in 1947. Son œuvre s’inscrit dans le mouvement minimaliste représenté par Read Full Biography. John Adams is an American composer.He was born on February 15, 1947 (73 years old) . His works, both operatic and symphonic, stand out among contemporary classical compositions for their depth of expression, brilliance of sound, and … Issu d’un milieu musical, John Adams étudie la clarinette et joue dans des fanfares avant de poursuivre sa formation en direction d’orchestre et en composition à l’université d’Harvard (1965-1971), notamment avec Léon Kirchner.
In his guide to Adams in The Guardian, Tom Service writes, "Adams was never a composer to play by the rules his predecessors had mapped out for him — even if those rules were all about opening up musical freedoms.
Adams's breakthrough as a composer came when he moved to the west coast – his home ever since. Adams wanted the Thirteen Colonies to be free from Great Britain. Californian minimalist composer, John Adams is best known for works including Short Ride in a Fast Machine, On the Transmigration of Souls and the choral piece he wrote to commemorate the victims of the 9/11 attacks for which he won the Pulitzer Prize. His works, both operatic and symphonic, stand out among contemporary classical compositions for their depth of expression, brilliance of sound, and the profoundly humanist nature of … Son diplôme d’Harvard en poche, il s’établit définitivement à San Francisco en 1971. About. Adams was born in Braintree, Massachusetts. He went to Harvard College. John Coolidge Adams is an American composer with strong roots in minimalism. He was named after John Adams, the 2nd President.. His best-known works include Short Ride in a Fast Machine On the Transmigration of Souls a choral piece commemorating the victims of the September 11 2001 attacks and Shaker Loops a minimalist four-movement work for strings. And the piece that crystallised his creative world was his string septet Shaker Loops . Composer, conductor, and creative thinker – John Adams occupies a unique position in the world of American music. This isn't the only time Adams has set contemporary events to music. Compositeur et chef d’orchestre américain né le 1er janvier 1947. His music often uses minimalism with large orchestras and lots of different sounds. Adams became one of the most successful American composers and a leader of the West Coast branch of the American minimalist school. Revolution years. John Coolidge Adams (born February 15, 1947) is an American composer and conductor of classical music and opera, with strong roots in minimalism.

He married Abigail Adams in 1764. Il compose sa première pièce à l’âge de dix ans, et ses compositions sont déjà jouées lorsqu’il n’est qu’adolescent.