Ammonium magnesium phosphate crystals are also considered a normal finding in rabbit urine (Cheeke, 1987). When rabbit owners see red urine, they often worry about bladder and urinary tract infections (UTI’s). If your rabbit has blood in her urine, it’s known as hematuria. This is not a disease in itself. Usually, it’s a short-term infection. These problems may involve the urinary system directly or, in the case of unspayed female rabbits, may be the result of a diseased reproductive tract. True blood in the urine, or hematuria, can occur when a urogenital disease is present, such as calcium stones or sludge in the urinary system, cystitis, or cancer in the reproductive organs.
Haematuria in rabbits: detecting symptoms as true or false. In rabbits, it is important to distinguish between hematuria and porphyrin pigmented urine. Generally, when there is blood in a rabbit's urine it will be accompanied by other symptoms. In centrifuged urine sample, thesedimentis red in the case of hematuria, while thesupernatantis red in the case of pigmented urine.

Leave a Reply. null. These may include difficulty urinating, abdominal pain, distended abdomen, enlarged bladder, perineal dermatitis, anorexia or lethargy. Elisabetta Mancinelli September 01, 2014. null. Sometimes the blood comes from the reproductive system and is excreted when urination occurs.

One of the most common is a problem with the urinary tract. Vet Times Podcast, Ep 37: Kit Sturgess with vet advice for senior dogs. Notify of Related content. In such instances, your pet will be uncomfortable, but the problem can be solved. Rather, it’s an underlying symptom of something else. The medical term for the presence of blood in the urine is hematuria. In most cases, red urine occurs as a result of dietary pigments from food containing beta-carotene or betalain, such as carrots, spinach, and beets. However, actual blood in your rabbit’s urine may not be visible to the naked eye. Hematuria is the medical term for the presence of blood in the urine. Common explanations for a rabbit urinating blood include: It is a condition that is seen fairly often in pet rabbits and can be due to a number of medical disorders. Rabbits excrete about 45 per cent to 60 per cent of ingested calcium in their urine (Cheeke and Amberg, 1973), therefore normal rabbit urine is often creamy white and contains sediment as a result of precipitation of calcium carbonate (Figure 3). Hematuria can be caused by several conditions that affect the urinary and genital tracts. While hematuria in rabbits is rare, there are some possible causes which can lead to the symptom.

The main causes are uterine adenocarcinoma, … There is a wide range of explanations for blood in a rabbit’s urine. The latter is a normal condition in rabbits. Possible …
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