gen definition at, a free online dictionary with English, Mandarin Chinese, Pinyin, Strokes & Audio. ‘If you feel a desperate yen to join them no-one will stop you, it will scare the living daylights out of you, but what's more important, once back on deck, you will feel like a million dollars.’ ‘You can make an appointment by calling 931-3385, or just stop in if you happen to be passing by and feel a yen to yak.’ Best Chinese male names. Calling your child some of these names will definitely make your child unique and admirable.

The term "fu yen” sounds more like Cantonese-transliterated English, which is "furen" in Mandarin meaning 夫人。 夫人 is an archaic title for a lady of high rank, or the wife of a feudal lord or senior official. Yen … It is used largely in Chinese and Vietnamese. (noun) An example of a yen is what those in Japan use for money. Define yens. As such, individuals and institutions who had to romanize their Chinese names prior to that time, such as when having their books translated or publishing manuscripts outside of China, used "Yen" instead of "Yan". Here are some of the best Chinese male names that you are likely to fall in love with. Yen has its origins in the Vietnamese language. Forms of Yen include the names Yeni, Yenie, Yenn, Yenny, Yeny, and Yeun. Huiliang: Means kind and good; Gui: Means honourable. yen (jɛn) n, pl yen It is pronounced as YehN †. Look it up now! Thanks for the A2A.
See also the related categories, peace (harmony) and chinese. These characters are romanised as Yen in the Wade–Giles romanization system which was commonly used before the early 80s. There are some Chinese names that are cute, and carry a sweet meaning. News ☛ Chinese, just like other people in the world, place a lot of significance in the names they give their kids. Here is a highlight of some of the ★CHINESE GIRL NAMES AND MEANINGS★ to familiarize you as you plan your visit there. to yen in Chinese : :苏安….

The name Yen means 'peace'. click for more detailed Chinese translation, definition, pronunciation and example sentences.

An example of a yen is someone's strong want to have a specific type of job. yens synonyms, yens pronunciation, yens translation, English dictionary definition of yens. n. A strong desire or inclination; ... from Middle Chinese yan, round (in reference to the shape of the coin); also the source of Mandarin yuán, round; see yuan.] yen definition: Yen is Japanese currency, or a strong desire.