The Unity Multipurpose Avatar (UMA) system lets you create customizable characters. Or let you import anime-looking characters and edit them using UMA? Does UMA (that character customization Unity asset) somehow let you create anime-looking characters? I watched an intro video to UMA and still don't really understand it completely; insight appreciated. UMA includes all of the code necessary to build a huge variety of unique characters at runtime from simple recipes. Get the Character Customization with UMA 2.0 package from Dokuto and speed up your game development process. UMA 101 - Part 10: Simple Character Creator (1 of 3) - YouTube Question. Many of the features that would make UMA badass and the gold standard tool for character creation will likely never make it into the product, as one of the 3-4 active developers has released a $50 paid tool (UMA Power Tools, released 2014) that makes the system easier to use and better in every way. Find this & other Tools options on the Unity Asset Store. I want my character to have a cartoon-anime-ish face. Whether you need a hero, a villain, or an entire village of NPCs this package is for you!