She strives to share her enthusiasm for art by providing art teachers around the globe with high-quality resources and by sharing her expertise through this blog. For elementary school students, art classes seek to foster interest as well as skill in many different forms of art. Sarah Crowther is The Arty Teacher. Teaching your own online class (or classes) can be a great way to share your knowledge and create a new side hustle that could even turn into something full-time with the right amount of effort. And if you think there may not be a lot of money in the industry, think again. The Arty Teacher.

“It’s my first time teaching online,” she says. Aspiring art teachers usually pursue an art major while enrolled in a teacher education training program. Although some programs include studio art courses, many focus on art education, art inquiry, art history and the use of computers in art education. The art teacher usually has the freedom to design their own classes, but in general, classes will include basic drawing, painting and crafts. Here you will learn easy and simple ways to infuse art with posters, placemats, book and elementary art lessons into your classroom learning with some simple teaching materials. On the evening of Feb. 19, Zeng, an art teacher at a primary school in the northeastern city of Qingdao, started a livestream art class via DingTalk, a communication app.

Elementary Art Resources was designed for teachers, parents and students. She is a high school art teacher in the North West of England. If you’re a qualified teacher with experience in a classroom setting, then online teaching could be your next big career move.

Prospective students who searched for Online Art Teacher Certification, Certificate and Degree Info found the articles, information, and resources on this page helpful. In middle school, classes continue to help students improve basic artistic skills, while introducing concepts in art history. Online education jobs can be either full-time or part-time. The day’s lesson topic: What would you do if you were a giant?

Splish Splash Splatter (Elementary) Teach Kids Art – Successful art lessons for kids (Elementary) The Art Curator for Kids – experience art with kids of all ages, yes, yes I added myself to the list making it 21. Online teaching offers job opportunities for a wide range of educators, from elementary school teachers to college professors.