opposite meaning. tantalize definition: 1. to make someone feel excited or attracted by an offer or a suggestion of something that is, in….

antonyms. Lawson, Jonell ROSES ARE FOR THE RICH (2001) Had he left it open in order to tantalize her with a glimpse of freedom? 4. 5- This tantalizing thought has excited much creative speculation. How to use tantalize in a sentence. tantalize / examples.

tantalus example sentences. examples. Find descriptive alternatives for tantalize.

Synonyms for tantalize at Thesaurus.com with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. 5.

3. 0. 1- Give the dog the bone do not tantalize him. Examples of 'tantalize' in a sentence tantalize. 3- Nothing more would beckon, nothing would tantalize. 0. The hot-tempered young Delaware immediately began to taunt and tantalize his foe. Therefore we call it to tantalize a person to offer him a thing he longs for, and then to draw it away from him.

similar meaning.

definitions. Tantalize definition: If someone or something tantalizes you, they make you feel hopeful and excited about... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

The tantalize list of example sentences with tantalize.


2- It was wiser not to tantalize oneself.

Learn more. Read more… The word marriage had been thrown on impulse to tantalize, but it would be the ultimate victory.

This myth is the origin of the English word "tantalize," and also of the common name "tantalus" for a set of spirit decanters kept under lock and key. ‘To tantalize readers, Popular Science raises difficult questions about the theory of evolution - the evolution of man, feathers on dinosaurs and the classification of animals.’ ‘Their truthful ideal would be a hung parliament, where they could extract from Labour the promise that has tantalised them for generations: electoral reform for the House of Commons.’

4- The boy would come into the room and tantalize the dog with his feed. How to use tantalize in a sentence.

Example sentences with the word tantalus. Elizabeth Peters LORD OF THE …

tantalize in a sentence - 4 Lists. These examples have been automatically selected and may contain sensitive content. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience. meaning & examples.