Diseases or conditions that can eventually lead to CRF include: 1. End Stage of Kidney Disease. Congenital malformations of the kidneys - such as polycystic kidney disease in long haired cats (see handout: "Polycystic Kidney Disease in Cats" for further information) 2. Contents. Because of that, it is important to familiarize yourself with the different stages of kidney failure and do your best to detect the disease in the early ones. This cat kidney failure occurs due to various reasons. The end stage of kidney function is the last and most severe of these stages. There are a number of different stages of cat kidney disease, and they generally correspond to a difference in kidney function and overall health in your cat.

If your pet is strong and it is able to overcome the disease then there is no need to worry. Description. #1: Stage 1. If you do detect your pet's kidney disease during this time, it's a good idea to begin to take measures to address the condition. As the disease progresses, a cat’s life expectancy drops. Kidney disease is a common malady in cats, particularly in older cats.

Patients with stage 3 kidney failure often ask how long they can live. Consider changing his diet and providing him with a set of supplements to help stabilize his kidney function. Being sensitive to your cat's condition can help you provide the treatment and care they deserve in their last days. 3. In fact, it is hard to give an exact answer about this question, as some people can live 15-20 years with stage 3 kidney failure, but some others can only live less than 5 years. It is one of the most common causes of death in geriatric cats. Life Expectancy of Stage 3 Kidney Failure 2013-08-29 14:58.

The first stage is also known as Early Kidney Insufficiency, and most cats don’t show any signs of disease at this point. Stage 2 - Renal Insufficiency.

At the end of your pet's bout with kidney disease, he'll likely have lost a great deal of his kidney function. Here we are going to provide the most common symptoms of kidney failure in cats. The stage 3 kidney disease life expectancy can be varies and it is simply based on the cat age and its health condition. Cats experiencing the final stages of kidney failure, also known as chronic renal failure (CRF), do not experience physical pain, but they do feel the discomfort of being ill and require extra attention and aid.

Pyelonephritis - bacterial kidney infections. Elderly cats don’t absorb protein very well from the intestinal tract and when this happens we need to provide more. Stage 4 CKD treatment: When the creatinine is about 3.5 or higher, stage 4 of the four kidney disease stages, it’s time to start fluid support at home and to consider changing back from a kidney disease diet to one higher in protein.

Detecting kidney disease early in its course may allow you, as a cat owner, to take steps to slow the progression of disease and prolong your cat’s life.