Argus has fallen. Please Like/Subscribe to show your … In his youth he attempted to master the druidic forces, as his brother had, but the sorcery called to him in a way that the magic of the land did not. He's a former member of the Pantheon and a mighty bronze titan until he was corrupted beyond redemption and became the Titans' worst enemy. „ ~ Sargeras to Illidan Stormrage during the War of the Ancients.. Sargeras is the creator and leader of the Burning Legion and is one of the main antagonists of the Warcraft franchise. The Burning Legion moves from world to world, annihilating everything in its path with devastating fel magic. Antorus Ending Cinematic. In World of Warcraft, Sargeras is voic… Illidan stays back with the Pantheon for one final sacrifice against Sargeras! The end of Nighthold. Sargeras is the creator and leader of the Burning Legion. He is one of the titans — the godlike beings who brought order to countless worlds throughout the universe during their age-long quest to find and awaken others of their kind. Like the rest of his kind, he was altruistic and just, unable to conceive of pure evil. No matter how hard this world fights, it will fall. He was the mightiest warrior of the titan Pantheon and originally possessed the title \"The Defender\" and was the \"noblest of all\". This section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.Illidan and his twin brother, Malfurion, were born at Lorlathil in Val'sharah and grew up in Suramar as friends with Tyrande Whisperwind.Illidan practiced Highborne magic. Illidan Stormrage is a night elf born Demon Hunter and the founder of the Illidari.He was the former self-proclaimed Lord of Outland, ruling from the Black Temple until his defeat.

Been looking forward to this raid and fight for so long and glad to finally experience it … Sargeras created this vast demonic army to scour all creation. Illidan vs. Guldan Cinematic. Unlike his brother, Illidan was b… Like all titans, Sargeras was born from a world-soul maturing within a planet in the Great Dark Beyond. Sargeras is a true monarch of the underworld and his to… " Behold the Legion's power. Sargeras, dark god of chaotic magic, is a demonic titan who created the Burning Legion. While being born one of the Kaldorei, as stated by Maiev Shadowsong, he became "neither night elf nor demon, but something more".He is the twin brother of Malfurion Stormrage and was in love with Tyrande … Gul'dan's Defeat!

No one knows exactly how many worlds and mortal civilizations the demons have annihilated in their unholy Burning Crusade. Sargeras vs. Aegwynn, Illidan and Tyrande + Other Amazing Valdihr Art Sign in to follow this .