Carpal tunnel syndrome is most often caused by inflammation in the wrist due to repetitive hand movements.

You can also try icing your wrist for 10 to 15 minutes before you go to bed to temporarily relieve any pain or inflammation so it's easier to fall asleep. Yes. Common Symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome; Does Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Affect Your Baby?
Stay Active; 7. Invest in a Good Wrist Brace; 4. Therefore the goal for Occupational Therapists is to decrease carpal tunnel pressure through positioning rather than movement to minimize these symptoms. Prop your arms up with pillows before you go to sleep, since this may relieve tension and help manage pain. Numbness, tingling, pain, or a dull ache in the fingers, hand, or wrist are all signs of carpal tunnel syndrome. Pregnant Woman Gets Needed Sleep and Relief from Carpal Tunnel “In the first two months of pregnancy I developed carpal tunnel syndrome in my left hand and particularly at night.

You could also try wrapping a towel around your elbow to keep your arm straight, because bending your arm can increase the pressure on your wrist. This condition is very common in pregnant women as well as in people who make repetitive hand movements, such as working on an assembly line or a computer. For most women with carpal tunnel syndrome during pregnancy, immobilization of the wrist is the only treatment that will be necessary. How patients position their wrists during sleep can be one factor that determines carpal tunnel pressure. The pain was waking me up every night between 5 and 15 times! This is because people who sleep on their side were more inclined to sleep … 8 Easy Tricks to Alleviate Carpal Tunnel Pain. In fact, one study found a strong association between people sleeping on their side and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. … Fluid retention during pregnancy puts more pressure on the carpal tunnel, which runs from your wrist to the bottom of your palm. Consider Acupressure; 8. If you're pregnant and having a hard time sleeping with carpal tunnel syndrome, try sleeping with your hand elevated on a pillow, which will reduce the amount of fluid and swelling that's pressing on the nerve. Do Some Hand Exercises; 5. Get a Massage; 6. It is more common during pregnancy because of tissue swelling. As it got increasingly worse, I mentioned it to my midwife as I was starting to lose a lot of sleep over it.
Talk to Your Doctor What Causes Carpal Tunnel Syndrome during Pregnancy? Try to avoid sleeping with your hands … Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is commonly seen in pregnancy. Can carpal tunnel in pregnancy cause pain and numbness in my hands and fingers?