Naeem name meaning in english are Heaven, Pleasure, Luxury, Benefits. Name Meaning of Naeem Meaning: Happiness , Benevolent Please feel free to read what others say about this name and to share your comments if you have more information. People believes to have their Lucky Days according to their names, Friday, Saturday are Favourable and Lucky Days for name Naeem and lucky metals are Iron for Naeem name holders.

Naeem is a Muslim Boy name which originates from the Arabic language.Acording to Numerology Predictions, lucky number for Naeem is 8.

Naeem Name Meaning is Comfort, Ease, Tranquil,. Nadeem is a Muslim Boy name which originates from the Arabic language.Acording to Numerology Predictions, lucky number for Nadeem is 5. Find all the relevant details about the meaning, origin, lucky number and religion is available in this page. Naeem is a very nice person that can always make you smile, can always make you happy, can always make you laugh and would do anything to make you smile. Also he is Indian and he is a daal chaawal basher and eats it every Friday before and after jummah. Naeem is an Urdu word, it means “pleasure, ease, tranquility” in English, while in Hindi it’s called as “aanand/आनंद, saral/सरल, shaanti/शांति.” « Back to Glossary Index

Find Naeem multiple name meanings and name pronunciation in English, Arabic and Urdu. People believes to have their Lucky Days according to their names, Sunday, Tuesday are Favourable and Lucky Days for name Nadeem and lucky metals are Copper for Nadeem name holders. “Naeem” uses the type of heavy, personalized metaphors that fans of Bon Iver have grown accustomed to.

Naeem name meaning is comfort; ease; tranquil; benevolent; blessing and the lucky number associated with is 2. Nadeem name meaning in english are Companion, Friend, Courtier. However, this track in particular seems to have a relatively-perceptible narrative, which we will try to decipher.

That is to say that trying to derive the meaning from a song by this band can prove to be quite a challenge. Naeem is a Muslim Boy name and has Arabic origin.

The meaning of Naeem is “Happiness, comfort”. Naeem is nice but he is a katchi ‘’Daal chaawal kaow che ’

NAEEM NAME MEANING IN ENGLISH Naeem is a Hindu Boy name and it is an Hindi originated name with multiple meanings. Keep in mind that many names may have different meanings in other countries and languages, so be careful that the name that you choose doesn’t mean something bad or unpleasant.