My cat is experiencing frequent trips to litter box to pee-only small amounts. NO crystals, no blood, normal PH of 6.5 and nothing else out of the ordinary. 1 - Urethral Obstruction. This is a medical problem that can be an emergency. But I finally figured it out! Mostly eats dry food, but always has. Your previously house-trained cat has been found urinating in your bathtub or on your bed. If you notice your cat keeps going to litter box, and is consistently urinating 6+ times a day, this could be a sign that your cat needs medical attention. Not all owners can recognize these key signs of a urinary tract infection (UTI). It was an ongoing battle for 2 years to figure out how to have a clean litter box area and how to control the cat litter tracking and scattering. My cat has been squatting like he wants to poop but nothing comes out. Similarly, boxes placed near doors may lead to disturbances as people enter and exit. Answered in 2 minutes by: 11/29/2012. Ask Your Own Cat Veterinary Question. He has been pooping outside the litter as well. Sometimes he gets it in there, sometimes he doesn’t. What's the cat's name? This is the XL Nature's Miracle box which still has a fairly small litter area in my opinion. Recently treated for bladder infection with 1 week of amoxicillin. Very little comes out. I'd say maybe last week I noticed pee right outside the entrance to the litter box. A cat that cannot pee is a cat that’s going to die, unless appropriate veterinary medical care is provided immediately. Curious I watched my cat to see what he had been doing, and apparently he goes into the litter box, and gets in fully, but just his rear end sticks out (and it BARELY does), which results in him peeing on the floor. Due to anatomical differences, a blocked cat is almost always male. His belly feels to me as it always has. I took him to the vet and his urinary test came back almost perfect. The worst thing about cats is having to clean the litter box. Never any issues. The cat will exhibit frequent attempts at urination, producing little or no urine, which is usually blood tinged. More severe signs can develop in the blocked cat. My cat keeps squatting like he is going to pee all over the apartment but when he's done he only leaves a drop or so of pee behind.
The cat will often cry out in … She stays there for a minute or so. Dr. Matt, Cat Veterinarian. Have you noticed your cat taking a few too many trips to the litter box lately and straining to urinate? Show More.

Show Less . Having worked at a veterinary hospital, I have come across many cats that were though… If he passes by his litter box, he acts like he is going to use it, but again, nothing is there when he leaves the box. Nobody wants to have their cat’s litter box in the middle of their living room, but many of the tucked-away spots in our homes come with scary sights, sounds and smells. so last week we put a new litter in her box which we don't think she liked because every 5 mins she used to go to the litter box and do a pee, but the pee was about the size of a 1 pence piece. If he was blocked up would even this much pee come out? Haven't changed food. Cat Veterinarian: Dr. Matt, Cat Veterinarian replied 7 years ago. If you read The Best Cat Litter For Your Cat then you’ll understand my reference to a Porta-John. Definitely not for a large cat. so this week we put her old litter (the one she likes) back in and she is still doing it!!!! It may be too warm by the furnace or the noisy appliances in the laundry room may be frightening. Your cat has started to display some odd behavior lately. I was told he is only trying to please me by using his box. Or sometimes nothing comes out. It is important that you observe the quantity of urine that your cat releases in a single visit to the litter boxes. Veterinarian's Assistant: The Expert will know how to best address the bladder infection. Urethral obstruction is a severe, acute, and critical medical emergency. He has also been throwing up. Also, your cat has been found straining as if constipated, just sitting there in the litter box waiting and repeatedly scratching. She is drinking and eating normal. It happens almost every day.
i dont think she even needed the toilet!!! He has a small bladder and has been eating a raw food diet for years. My cat will climb into the litter box, dig a whole in the litter, then poop over the edge of the box, and fills the whole back in even though he didn’t poop in it. He goes out at night and comes in every morning hungry and ready to go to sleep. The average cat should urinate between 2-4 times per day. If you have noticed that your cat is suddenly spending lots of time in the litter box, there are three common medical conditions to consider. This condition, which occurs primarily in males, is commonly referred to as being “blocked.” When your cat won’t use the litter box -- and at least 10% of all cats develop an elimination problem -- the cause could be anything from an unclean box to an illness. My cat keeps going to the litter box with no pee or only a drop or two.