Get details on the latest programs and suites to help you build next-generation apps and games. Start here. Spiele. Integrieren Sie Apps mit Office 365, Microsoft Graph, Microsoft Identity Platform und Windows, um benutzerorientierte Lösungen zu entwickeln.

It is best known for its Windows operating system, the Microsoft Office family of productivity software plus services, and the Visual Studio IDE. Dokumentation. Mobil.

Are you an app developer looking for information about developing solutions on Microsoft Education products? GitHub. Jetzt loslegen. Bots. Zusammen mit den Office-Anwendungen bilden die Betriebssysteme von Microsoft das Kerngeschäft des Unternehmens. Explore accessories, like mixed reality devices and developer kits, to take your work―and play―to the next level. Entdecken. Microsoft is a large developer of personal computer software. Quantum. Find out how Microsoft products can help grow your business, whatever your specialty or industry. KI. IoT. Durchsuchen Sie Beispielprojekte, und legen Sie sofort los. Best-in-class tools for any developer. Die im April 2010 in Benutzung befindlichen Betriebssysteme von Microsoft erreichten zusammen einen Marktanteil von über 90 Prozent. Microsoft 365 Business Premium is now available. Microsoft 365 Education Documentation for developers. Learn how to keep in touch and stay productive with Microsoft Teams and Microsoft 365, even when you’re working remotely > Windows-Apps. Microsoft 365. Web. Learn more. Innovate and collaborate with 40 million fellow developers from around the world. Visual Studio. Use your favorite language to deliver apps and services on any platform. Microsoft 365.

Learn how to write universal apps for education. UWP apps for education. Start selling our comprehensive solution that’s built for business. Build how you want and deploy where you want. Microsoft 365 is powered by Office 365, Windows 10 and Enterprise Mobility + Security to fuel your customers’ collaboration, creativity and revenue growth. Take a test API . Machine Learning.

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Compare price points and specs on power-driven laptops and PCs. Microsoft has advanced hardware and software that meets the demands of the most discriminating developers.

Our products, services, and tools. Codebeispiele. Turn your ideas into solutions with cloud services.