The confessing membership of the local congregation shall include only those who have been baptized into "the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit," confess personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, maintain a good reputation in the community and accept the constitution of the Church of the Lutheran Brethren. It states in precise language what we as a church, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit and in community with each other, have declared to be our common belief. Church of the Lutheran Brethren. The Church of the Lutheran Brethren (CLB) is a family of 123 congregations in the United States and Canada, with 1,500 daughter congregations in Cameroon, Chad, Japan and Taiwan now organized into four national church bodies. STATEMENT OF CORE VALUES Introduction. Adherents stress peace and reconciliation, serving others, living a simple life, and following in the footsteps of Jesus Christ. ARTICLE III - "DOCTRINAL STATMENT OF FAITH" A. Faith is a living, daring confidence in God’s grace. Founding: The Brethren were founded in 1708 by Alexander Mack in Schwarzenau Germany. The confessing membership of the local congregation shall include only those who have been baptized into "the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit," confess personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, maintain a good reputation in the community and accept the constitution of the Church of the Lutheran Brethren. Since good works never precede faith, but are always and in every instance the result of faith in the Gospel, it is evident that the only means by which we Christians can become rich in good works (and God would have us to be rich in good works, Titus 2:14) is unceasingly to remember the grace of God which we have received in Christ, Rom. Brethren have considered participation in war to be unacceptable for Christians and have based this understanding on the teachings of Jesus and on other New Testament texts. A Lutheran Brethren CHURCH We proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ so that people can come to a personal relationship with Him, mature as His followers, and live in unity with other Christians. The Church of the Lutheran Brethren (CLB) is a family of 123 congregations in the United States and Canada, with 1,500 daughter congregations in Cameroon, Chad, Japan and Taiwan now organized into four national church bodies. The CLB, as a denomination, exists to serve congregations in their obedience to the Great Commission, locally, nationally and internationally, as seen in Matthew 28:18-20.

Background: Church of the Brethren is a Christian denomination with origins in the Pietist and Anabaptist movements. The Church of the Lutheran Brethren has adopted a Statement of Faith. Bethesda is a proud congregation of the Church of the Lutheran Brethren of America.. THE CHURCH OF THE LUTHERAN BRETHREN OF CANADA, INC. ; The Brethren's Vision Statement: “Through Scripture, … Faith Lutheran Brethren Church • 480 Pleasantville Road Briarcliff Manor NY 10510 US • (914) 769-9390 • Church Website Software from E-zekiel

In our concern for the well-being of neighbors near and far, Brethren have begun creative programs to enable the world’s poor to walk toward a better life. When Lutherans talk about faith, we are talking about the relationship God’s Holy Spirit creates with us. Faith Lutheran Brethren Church - - (306) 471-8130 132 Malmgren Dr. Estevan, SK (off of Hwy 39 West) Estevan Morning Service at 10:30am The confessing membership of the local congregation shall include only those who have been baptized into “the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,” confess personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, maintain a good reputation in the community and accept the constitution of the Church of the Lutheran Brethren. ARTICLE II - "MOTTO" “Unto the region that lieth about, there they preached the gospel.” Acts 14:6b, 7a.

It’s a relationship where God’s promise of steadfast love and mercy in Jesus opens us to a life of bold trust in God and joyful, generous service to everyone we know and meet in daily life. ARTICLE I - "NAME" Church of the Lutheran Brethren of Canada, Inc.