The Latin Rite confiteor originated by being said by the priest before Mass and eventually by the 10th or 11th century holy Mass began with this prayer in the prayers of the foot of the altar. This version of the prayer dates back to at least the 8th century. We have 33 latin Masses in Michigan listed as active. In historical context, before the East–West Schism in 1054 the Latin Church is sometimes referred to as the Western Church. This is not to be confused with the Novus Ordo Rite instituted by Pope Paul VI in 1969.

By our math there is one latin Mass for every 71,227 Catholics in the state.

All Masses are offered according to the Roman Missal of 1962 or earlier with the full approval of the bishops of the Catholic Church and the Holy See under the governance of Pope Francis. If you know of any locations that are missing, please let us know. It can be rightly argued that we as Latin Catholics have an identity crisis; the Byzantines do not. We have more Latin Mass statistics. The Roman Rite is that liturgical form that majority of the Latin Church uses. A Catholic directory of approved traditional Latin Masses. In a state with a population of 9,909,877 the percentage of the residents that are Catholic is 23%. In Africa Proconsulare, located in present-day Tunisia (of which Carthage was the capital), the African Rite was used before the 7th-century Arab conquest. There Are No Altar Girls.

The Latin Church sui iuris refers to the Western part of the Catholic Church. This is an informational website in regards to the Latin Rite Mass (Trtidentine Mass) of the Roman Catholic Church. It was very close to the Roman Rite; so much so that Western liturgical traditions have been classified as belonging to two streams, the North African-Rome tradition, and the Gallican (in the broad sense) tradition encompassing the rest of the Western Roman Empire, including northern Italy. This is a rite in the Catholic Church which has not lost its traditions, as we have painfully seen in many Latin Rite parishes throughout the world. Since John Paul II officially allowed the use of female altar servers in 1994 … The objective of this site is to show how the Latin Mass (Tridentine Mass) is still the required Mass for the Roman Rite of the Catholic Church. The part of the Catholic Church in the West is called the Latin Church to distinguish itself from Eastern Catholic Churches, which are also under the pope's primacy. Strictly speaking, it’s not “Latin Rite” although the term has come into general acceptance, but the Canon Law experts at EWTN prefer to use the formal sui iuris designation.