The term anisocoria refers to pupils that are different sizes at the same time. Unequal pupils (size) WebMD Symptom Checker helps you find the most common symptom combinations and medical conditions related to unequal pupils (size). Unequal pupil size, which may represent a benign physiologic variant or a manifestation of disease. Click on the combination that matches your symptoms to find the conditions that may cause these problems.

If you have differing pupil size after an eye or head injury, get medical help immediately.

If pupil sizes are very unequal, a person may notice the discrepancy. Unequal pupils (size) WebMD Symptom Checker helps you find the most common medical conditions indicated by the symptoms unequal pupils (size) including Eye injury, Normal variation, and Stroke. Or click on "See All Conditions" to see every condition related to unequal pupils (size). Click on the combination that matches your symptoms to find the conditions that may cause these problems. You guessed it- Bunyip has Anisocoria (meaning one of his pupils is more dilated than the other). However, in most cases, anisocoria is benign and is not the symptom of any pathology ; Anisocoria: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatmen .

There are 7 conditions associated with unequal pupils (size). When is anisocoria normal?. Anisocoria is the medical term describing a difference in the size of the pupils of the eyes.

Contact a provider if you have persistent, unexplained, or sudden changes in pupil size. In a normal patient, they should be of identical size. If there is any recent change in pupil size, it may be a sign of a very serious condition. Physiologic anisocoria refers to an asymmetry of pupil diameter, usually less than 2mm, that is not associated with disease.

Unequal pupil sizes (anisocoria) are relatively common- approximately 1 in 10 people do have a slight inequality. Usually both pupils are about the same size and respond to light equally. Unequal pupils (size) WebMD Symptom Checker helps you find the most common symptom combinations and medical conditions related to unequal pupils (size). Unequal pupil size is called anisocoria.

More often, unequal pupils are noticed only during a doctor's examination. Unequal pupils themselves usually cause no symptoms, but occasionally a person may have trouble focusing on near objects. This is called physiological anisocoria, and is normal so long as the difference remains equal under a dull and bright light. The presence of anisocoria can be normal ( ...Anisocoria that is NOT associated with or due to an underlying medical condition is called physiologic anisocoria.

a (an-ī'sō-kōr'ē-ă) A condition in which the two pupils are not of equal size.

If the difference in size increases under a dull or no light, then one pupil is not dilating properly. Pathologic anisocoria reflects an abnormality in the musculature of the iris (IRIS DISEASES) or in the parasympathetic or sympathetic pathways that innervate the pupil.