The YAML file above is a bare-bones ConfigMap, having the minimal necessary fields. The Chart Template Developer’s Guide. To this point we have been working only with one chart. This guide provides an introduction to Helm's chart templates, with emphasis on the template language.

But charts can have dependencies, called subcharts, that also have their own values and templates.In this section we will create a subchart and see the different ways we can access values from within templates.

But one of the powerful features of the Helm template language is its ability to declare multiple templates and use them together. ConfigMap and Secrets utility functions (Available Helm 2.0.2 and after) It is very common to want to place file content into both ConfigMaps and Secrets, for mounting into your pods at run time.

In Helm, configmap templates are treated just like the templates we learned about in Part 2 of our blog series and, as such, we can use all the functions we used there for configmaps, as well. Helm - The Kubernetes Package Manager. This guide provides an introduction to Helm’s chart templates, with emphasis on the template language. We'll turn to that in the next section.

So far we have looked at just one template declared in just one file. TIP: Template names do not follow a rigid naming pattern. Helm's template language provides the following control structures: if/else for creating conditional blocks; with to specify a scope; range, which provides a "for each"-style loop; In addition to these, it provides a few actions for declaring and using named template segments: define declares a new named template inside of your template However, we recommend using the suffix .yaml for YAML files and .tpl for helpers.. Helm relies heavily on the go template language and makes use of functions provided by the Sprig template library . Subcharts and Global Values. Hi I would like to create a ConfigMap from 2 files provided at helm install using the --set-file flag. The Chart Template Developer's Guide. In virtue of the fact that this file is in the mychart/templates/ directory, it will be sent through the template engine..

Templates generate manifest files, which are YAML-formatted resource descriptions that Kubernetes can understand.