Perhaps the most famous of these is Edward II who was supposedly murdered in Berkely castle when a red hot poker was inserted into his anus. Kings & Queens Alfred the Great (871-899) Scottish Robert the Bruce (1306-1329) Henry VIII ... 1305 - William Wallace is executed in London. Queen Mary I (Bloody Mary ... (The first Plantagenet kings) 1216 - 1399 Plantagenets. Ha! ... niece, wife, and mother to English kings. Historically, the early English kings have a reputation for living high on the hog and pleasing themselves at the expense of the people they ruled. If there’s one thing kings and queens don’t die of, it’s sadness, particularly when their throne is snatched up the next day, ... who were both executed by beheading. She was executed in 1554, aged 17. She reigned for only 9 days. Game of Thrones features many kings and queens across its eight seasons, some with legitimate claims and others who simply take what they want. Many evil Kings and queens from history have been absolute monarchs, which required a military presence to suppress any rebels. Some of the famous queens ascended to the throne as royal heirs. Here is a list of some of the most powerful and famous queens in history. But some kings took things much further, extorting or massacring innocent people without them even revolting against their evil kings. In the Dark Ages and medieval times many of them missed out on a trouble free reign culminating in a State Funeral. For example Queen Elizabeth the first and Mary, Queen of Scots were both heirs to the throne. Timeline of the Kings and Queens of England : The Tudors (Find out more about ... with her supporters and Jane was taken to the Tower. Including Scottish monarchy, a total of 17 monarchs in the British Isles have been murdered, assassinated or executed away from the battlefield, making it a very dangerous job indeed. However, some of the famous queens were the consorts or wives of king and came to power after their husbands died. It was not always so. Airing from 2011 to 2019, the series was a massive hit for HBO and continues to be a draw on the network's streaming platform, HBO Max. Unfortunately, Richard's men failed to honor their fallen king's wish and executed the archer anyway after their sovereign's death. Medieval Queens, Empresses, and Women Rulers Women of Power in the Middle Ages. Kings & Queens Kings & Queens. We know very little about the first several hundred years of the Anglo-Saxon era. 1399 - 1461 The House of Lancaster.