Using one hole for multiple conductors is only allowed if the terminal is rated for more than one wire.Another ground bus bar can be added. There is no problem with joining the two Grounds together. To do this, you will take a wire that has been stripped at both ends and connect it to the ground wires. Hook the screw loop around the green ground screw on your mounting bracket or light fixture and tighten the screw to hold it in place.

To twist two wires together, you first need to strip the insulation off the wires.

One of the most basic is called a pigtail connection. The other flaw is you insist on using a 30 amp breaker to protect a 15 or 20 amp duplex. If your light fixture has its own green ground wire you will need to connect the two ground wires using a wire nut. Since the Main Breaker should reside in this panel, the neutrals and grounds do get connected together here. In all the methods described except for the "crimping method" and the "alligator clip method" you will need to start with the wires twisted together. Then, use a wire connector to hold them together. Thank you for sharing your electrical question with us, Make sure the two ends of wire have the insulation removed about a half inch or more so the two pieces of wire may be joined together to complete the splice. Next, hold the wires side by side and twist them together with your thumb and forefinger. Yes, you can repair the ground wire by spicing the two pieces of wire together using a small twist on wire connector. Just make sure that the ground you connect it too has sufficient current capacity but nearly every ground wire in the vehicle will be able to carry the current required for two lights.