It wasn't easy but we've tried to include uniquely Australian slang here and to exclude British and American slang even though these are commonly used in Australia. Australian slang words are ridiculously fun. If you've got any comments or suggestions, though, we'd very much like to hear them. And when you’re invited to “tea”, you’re inevitably thinking of tea time and Earl Gray, but you will have a nice dinner when you except the invitation. Australian English month continues with a three-part series on the topic of slang.Guest blog author Susan Butler is Publisher of the Macquarie Book of Slang (Revised Edition 2000). A little table of daily Australian slang.

Importance of slang and informal language. You may have heard “G’day mate”, “fair dinkum”, and “strewth!” before, but the dialect is much broader than that. Members of the Australian military (known officially as the Australian Defence Force or ADF) use many unique slang terms. Amy says to become comfortable with Australian English and slang, listen to it as much as possible. But what about slang words that are used around the world? Australian English is no exception. Part one takes a look at the origins of Australian slang. The ADF is made up of the Royal Australian Navy (RAN), the Australian Army, and the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF). _____ We see no point in informing the world that "fridge" is Australian slang for a "refrigerator". Grab a cuppa and a choccy biccy—it's time to learn why the best English slang on earth comes from down under! Learn the 30 coolest Australian slang words here, and you'll sound like an authentic Aussie. Some of these new international slang words are used in Australia, New Zealand, the US, Canada and the UK (and even in non-English speaking countries). Anyway, that is a solid list of relevant Australian slang words to learn and even if you don't use them yourself, just becoming familiar with them is going to help you to understand Australian native English speakers so much more easily.

Aussie Slang Page 1 Topic Page Number Index 01 Disclaimer 02 About Wander Inn Bunbury Backpackers 03 Connect With Us On Social Media 04 Australian slang - a story of Australian English 05-11 Australian slang – A to D 12 -27 Australian slang – E to H 27 -35 Australian slang – I to L 35 -41 Australian slang – M to P 41 -48

Slang words or phrases develop over time. The words of the Australian slang often have no resemblance to other words in English. Each have their own distinct traditions but share a defence force culture. We’ve shown you the 100 Australian Slang Words & Phrases.