chromosome arm. A tattoo design on the upper arm lends that macho touch to your image. What is the name of the upper arm bone? 3. a slender part or extension that projects from a main structure. The lower arm has 2 bones the radius and the Ulna. The lower arm has 2 bones the radius and the Ulna.
The upper arm bone is the humerus, nicknamed the "funny bone" because of its similarity to the word "humorous". 2. in common usage, the entire upper limb. The term "upper arm" is redundant in anatomy, but in informal usage is used to distinguish between the two terms. The upper arm bone is the humerus..hence where you get "funny bone" from. Biceps muscle, any muscle with two heads, or points of origin (from Latin bis, “two,” and caput, “head”). upper case n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. Product Name Popularity Score Quality Score Sentiment Score Sales Volume; 1: Upper Arm Blood Pressure Monitor Portable LED Display Pulse Tester BP Cuff -Gift 9.7 9.2 9.8 2: The humerus (/ ˈ h j uː m ər ə s /, plural: humeri) is a long bone in the arm that runs from the shoulder to the elbow.It connects the scapula and the two bones of the lower arm, the radius and ulna, and consists of three sections.The humeral upper extremity consists of a rounded head, a narrow neck, and two short processes (tubercles, sometimes called tuberosities). The term is sometimes restricted to the proximal part, from shoulder to elbow (the distal part is then called the forearm). Wiki User 2016-10-31 03:57:23. arm [ahrm] 1. the part of the upper limb from the shoulder to the elbow; called also brachium. You can tell which one is which is the radius is attached to the thumb and when you turn your wrist this bone will turn..the Ulna stays static.

For years and years people have got the date & birth or name of their kids tattooed on their bodies. bones are the radius and ulna. The lower arm. Two main muscle groups are located in your upper arm. Synonyms for upper arm at with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. The upper arm bone is the humerus..hence where you get "funny bone" from. Wiki User 2016-10-31 12:54:21. The function of the triceps is to help the arm extend forward. Your arm and shoulder contain many different muscles that allow you to perform daily activities. See more. It enables us to grip, write, lift and throw, among many other movements. Arm, in zoology, either of the forelimbs or upper limbs of ordinarily bipedal vertebrates, particularly humans and other primates. The upper limb has been shaped by evolution into a highly mobile part of the human body. arm [ahrm] 1. the part of the upper limb from the shoulder to the elbow; called also brachium.

brawny arm a hard, swollen condition of the arm due to lymphedema following mastectomy. It consists of four major segments, which are further subdivided into regions for precise description: Shoulder; Arm; Forearm; Hand Upper arm definition, the part of the arm between the shoulder and the elbow.

The biceps brachii is a prominent muscle on the front side of the upper arm.
brawny arm a hard, swollen condition of the arm due to lymphedema following mastectomy. The triceps are present on the rear part of the upper arm and is made up of three muscles. (capital letters) maiuscola nf sostantivo femminile: Identifica un essere, un oggetto o un concetto che assume genere femminile: scrittrice, aquila, lampada, moneta, felicità : Use uppercase for the first letter of someone's name. Parents across the world have made the sentimental choice to get their Childs name tattooed on them even before the child has arrived. They help in bending the arm towards the shoulders. Choose a theme that matches your personality. You can tell which one is which is the radius is attached to the thumb and when you turn your wrist this bone will turn..the Ulna stays static. 2. in common usage, the entire upper limb. The bone of the upper arm is the humerus. The upper limb is essential for our daily functioning. This Site Might Help You. The upper arm bones and muscles consist of the humerus, biceps, and triceps. 5 years ago. 0 0 0. A name tattoo is a token of… In human beings, there are the biceps brachii and biceps femoris. The upper arm is an embodiment of strength.

This muscle moves your arm backward, brings it in toward your body and rotates it inward. Find descriptive alternatives for upper arm. chromosome arm. Asked in Skeletal System What is the scientific name for the humerus bone ? Login to reply the answers Post; Carrol. It originates in two places: the coracoid process, Wearing a sleeveless outfit will not go unnoticed as it will definitely turn the head of others. The triceps brachii and anconeus muscles on the back of your upper arm straighten your elbow. In human anatomy, the arm is the part of the upper limb between the glenohumeral joint (shoulder joint) and the elbow joint.In common usage, the arm extends to the hand.

The upper arm comprising of the biceps is a very significant area in a man’s body. 3. a slender part or extension that projects from a main structure. The biceps are made up of two different heads and are located in the front of the arms.